ASTM | ASTM International |
AOC | area of concern |
BAZ | biologically active zone |
BTEX | benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene |
BUI | beneficial use impairment |
CIL | chemical isolation layer |
cm | centimeter |
Cpw | COC concentration in the porewater at equilibrium |
CS | COC Concentration in sorbent at equilibrium |
Csed | COC concentration in the sediment at equilibrium |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
COC | contaminant of concern |
COPC | contaminant of potential concern |
CSM | conceptual site model |
cy | cubic yard |
DDT | dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane |
DNAPL | dense nonaqueous-phase liquid |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon |
DQO | date quality objective |
DV | Darcy velocity |
EBGCR | East Branch Grand Calumet River |
ECOS | Environmental Council of the States |
EFDC | Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code |
EGLE | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency, see also USEPA |
ERIS | Environmental Research Institute of the States |
GAC | granular activated carbon |
GPS | global positioning system |
HMW | high molecular weight |
ITRC | Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council |
K | hydraulic conductivity |
Kd | adsorption-desorption distribution coefficient |
Kf | Freundlich’s constant |
KOC | organic carbon-water partition coefficient |
kg/m2/cm | kilograms per square meter per centimeter |
L/kg | liters per kilogram |
lb/cf | pounds per cubic feet |
LMW | low molecular weight |
LNAPL | light nonaqueous-phase liquid |
LPR | Lower Passaic River |
µg | microgram |
µg/kg | micrograms per kilogram |
mg/kg | milligram per kilogram |
µg/L | micrograms per liter |
MGP | manufactured gas plant |
mV | millivolt |
NAPL | nonaqueous-phase liquid |
NFIP | National Flood Insurance Program |
NOM | natural organic matter |
OBB | oleophilic biobarrier |
OU | Operable Unit |
PAC | powdered activated carbon |
PAH | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyl |
PFAS | polyfluorinated alkyl substances |
PGM Site | Portland Gas Manufacturing Site |
PM | particulate matter |
ppb | parts per billion |
QA | quality assurance |
QC | quality control |
QA/QC | quality assurance and quality control |
QoL | quality of life |
RAO | remedial action objective |
RCM | Reactive Core Mat® |
RTK | real-time kinematic |
RG | remedial goal |
ROD | Record of Decision |
SPI | sediment profile imaging |
SWAC | surface area weighed average concentrations |
TOC | total organic carbon |
TPH | total petroleum hydrocarbons |
UCL | upper confidence limit |
USACE | United States Army Corp of Engineers |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
VHG | vertical hydraulic gradient |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
WASP | Water Quality Analysis and Simulation Program |
ZVI | zero-valent iron |